Steven Mooney, CEO of FundMyPitch, which helps entrepreneurs raise funds, says that cost is one of the main barriers preventing SMEs from implementing green initiatives. The UK Business Climate Hub aims to help with that by providing valuable guidance on everything from switching to LED bulbs, sourcing green suppliers and reducing emissions in freight and logistics to finding the most cost-effective ways to install solar panels and EV charging points. Launches to Help 5.5m SMEs Slash Emissions.
What is the UK Business Climate Hub?
The UK Business Climate Hub is a one-stop-shop providing companies with the tools and resources they need to save money on their energy bills while cutting emissions. Launches to Help 5.5m SMEs Slash Emissions.
Research shows that 90% of SMEs are keen to tackle climate change, but many find it difficult to know how or where to start. The UK Business Climate Hub, endorsed by CEOs from businesses including HSBC, Siemens and Cemex who are on the Net Zero Council, will help them create tailored action plans for their sector to decarbonise.
Why should I sign up?
Many SMEs want to adopt environmentally-friendly practices but lack the guidance and financial support needed to do so.
Businesses that join the Hub can also become part of a growing network of like-minded businesses and gain access to new customers as a result.
In addition to accessing a range of resources, businesses who sign up can receive regular updates that will keep them in the know when it comes to changes in legislation and regulations.
How will the UK Business Climate Hub help my business?
The UK Business Climate Hub acts as a one-stop-shop to assist businesses looking for help with their decarbonisation journey. This includes offering a range of free tools such as carbon calculators that aid in measuring and tracking businesses’ emissions. Additionally, the hub provides advice and guidance on everything from encouraging employees to use eco-friendly transportation, to finding cost-effective methods of incorporating solar panels and EV charging points into buildings.
Another key area of support is tackling suppliers’ emissions – which typically account for the largest portion of a business’s total carbon footprint. The hub will help businesses to identify the best ways of implementing a net zero strategy into their supply chain, with companies such as Ericsson, Unilever, O2, and BT Group supporting the initiative through their 1.5degC Supplier Engagement Guide.
According to Steven Mooney, CEO of FundMyPitch – which helps entrepreneurs raise funding for green initiatives – cost is often the biggest barrier when it comes to tackling emissions. Hence, the launch of this new hub is a welcome step forward.
What is the UK Business Climate Hub’s purpose?
It is a one-stop-shop that provides a suite of tools to help companies measure, track and report on their carbon footprint and share advice on how to decarbonise.
This includes everything from switching to heat pumps or EVs, buying credible carbon offsets, getting business grants and loans for energy efficiency and reducing emissions from farming and land use to generating green energy with wind turbines. There is also help with sourcing green products and implementing the most cost effective options to slash emissions in supply chains.
Many large businesses, including Ericsson, Unilever and BT Group have already committed to include climate-related targets in their supplier purchasing criteria and work with their suppliers to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. They are encouraging their supply chain to make the SME Climate Commitment and join the Business Climate Hub needs read more hear…..